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The words in each of the Rotuman sentences below are in the wrong order. Put the words in the correct order.

1. ‘Are you coming or not?’
ne leum 'igke 'äe
('Äe leum ne 'igke?)

2. ‘They went along the road.’
iris leuag 'e ta sal
(Iris leuag 'e sal ta.)

3. ‘I requested that he not come.’
Ia gou far se leum la
(Gou far la ia se leum.)

4. ‘I used to go to the bank.’
a'mou gou la' päg se ta
(Gou a'mou la' se päg ta.)

5. ‘There is a book on the table.’
'e ta puk rer täe het tepel
(Puk het täe 'e rer tepel ta.)

6. ‘He was not present at the meeting.’
Pua kat 'e ia ra ta tunȧ'
(Ia kat pua ra 'e tunȧ' ta.)

7. ‘Their choir will sing first.’
mumua mak la ta kaumakag 'oris
('Oris kaumakag ta la mak mumua.)

8. ‘I saved the money for myself.’
a'pā 'kia ta goua gou monē se
(Gou a'pā'kia monē ta se goua.)

9. ‘The giant was also in close pursuit.’
'on 'ofi tape'ma ta mam'as nā v'hia
(Mam'as ta tape'ma nā 'on vhia 'ofi.)

10. ‘He went together with a man from Oinafa.’
'e f'at ma Oinafa 'eseam la'oag ia
(Ia la'oag 'eseam ma fāat 'e Oinafa.)

11. ‘He posted a letter to his sister.’
'on pukut se ia posof ta sȧghȧn
(Ia posof pukut se 'on sȧghȧn ta.)

12. ‘The spokesman discussed the incident.’
Tēet ne heta mafua fäeag'ȧk soko
(Mafua heta fäeag'ȧk tēet ne soko.)

13. ‘If he’s well, he’ll work.’
Ma kepoi ne'ne' la garue ia ka ia
(Kepoi ka ia ne'ne', ma ia la garue.)

14. ‘A man came and spoke to Kirkirsasa, and then spoke to the giant.’
Fäeag fäeag leum fāat Kirkirsasa mam'as kotä ta ma se ma ia se ta
(Ta fāat leum ma fäeag se Kirkirsasa ma kotä ia fäeag se mam'as ta.)





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