ODD WORD OUT Instructions: Choose the word whose meaning doesn’t go with the other 4 words in its group. If you are not sure of a word’s meaning, consult the Dictionary at http://www.neiu.edu/~Rotuman/DICTIONARY.HTML. a. ma'piga 'inoso le'e hạni fisi b. marō mane'a hoi mao fütporo c. läje sạsi fanfana nuju kakau d. maka tautoga kitā sua äfe e. kumara soko niu 'a'ana pạri f. raksa'a si'u mafa lā filo'u g. hula hefu asa aoga 'ele h. hata fạ'i 'umefe rako puku i. fekau rō'ạitu ha'a ne'ne'i maraga j. koroa ti'u mea'me'a roa luka
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